Monday, April 02, 2007

1st Week with G

The 1st day came and went.

On the 2nd day, I almost lost my patience waiting for the doctor to come; waiting for his instructions to remove all the drips, and get off the bed! The nurses came in before dawn to clean me up. The feeling was really unnatural (and painful still), but well, thanks to the experience nurses in MAH, they had made the experience alot more bearable.

The doctor finally came! Not only had he ok-ed the removal, he had also instructed for soft food! Yipppe!! I was feeling extremely hungry by then!

The rest of the day was spent on feeding, eating (hungry all the time), and counting down to the next feed. As little G has had some jittery problem (according to the paediatrician, a little lack of calcium), he had ordered a formula milk top up after each feed (or lack of milk). Was beginning to wonder if I'd ever produce enough food for her! Another advise: don't listen too much to those mother's tales, it'll make you really nervous.

Btw, I hadn't select the paediatrician (left it to my gynae to recommend). But before I went, my boss highly recommended his primary school friend, who is also a key paediatrician in MAH -- Dr. Terence Tan. Coincidentally, my gynae had also appointed him! He is really good, giving very wise advise to us. (We are worried for G if she has also got the Thalassemia)

No visitors came on day 2, which is a blessing! I was still fainting in and out of drowsiness!

Visitors started to stream in from day 3 onwards. Almost the entire papa's department came! I don't even have a place to sit! haha...

On day 3, milk started to build up, causing extreme engorgement pain -- Another mother nature's flaw in the design. There's no way of "getting rid" of the pain except to wait for the next few days for it to go away.... shootz.... :(

On day 4, I'd woke up extremely early to bathe and wash the hair (before dawn). When we were all ready to go, G somehow knew that, and refused to end the last feed in the hospital. I had fed for 1.5 hours until I was forced by the nurse to unlatch her. Part of the checkout process needed the mom to ensure it is the correct baby you're bringing home -- especially the sex of the baby. Its so weird, the nurse will ask you "do you have a boy or girl?". And she'll then reveal her pampers to make sure it is so... strange... :)

To Be Continued.....


Blogger sschan said...

Thanks Zhen! :) the engorgement has subsided... *sigh*.. mother natured planned for us to suffer a day or 2... The natural way of population control (letting mothers think twice? haha)

9:14 PM  

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