Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Happy belated Birthday 33!

So nearly half of our group are 33 this year already right? Wow! If our average lifespan is around 70 then we have hit our middle age already wor!!!

I know the thought of this will make some of us rush to the department stores and get more anti-aging cream (side look at Lina).

Well, Happy belated Birthday 33! How long have we known each other? hmm.... need more than both my hands to count.

Isn't it amazing to think back and recall all the things we've been through together? How we met, certain key events, NPCC, fight and quarrels, NPCC, birthdays and gatherings, NPCC, Pulau Ubin hikes, Rollerskatings, Haunted houses, NPCC... Come to think of it, there were alot of funny NPCC things to recall. The bunch of us really got into alot of troubles then.

I guess friendships forged under such trials tend to withstand time huh. Although some of us might be busy with life and seldom kept in touch, it's alright to go and do your own thing. At the end of the day there was always that bond, that level of easiness when we met up again. Afterall, we had watched each other grew up, before the days of makeups (side look at Lina), babies and husbands.

Next will be to wait for the other half of the group to catch up and join the middle age club... woohoo!


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