Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I was reading all the emails circulating amongst my girlfriends the other day and something hit me...

We are all so caught up in our own lives now that we hardly have time for each other.

There was a time when we see each other nearly everyday. A time when we even felt that we were never going to be apart. There were even times when we prefer each other's company to our own families. What happen?

Life happens I guess...

Some of us grow out of our group. As we go through life, our priorities change. Our world expand. There were more to see, more to explore and more things to remember. And sometimes, we just forget to keep in touch...

Some of us become more successful in work than others. Others are happier in marriage than some. We moved away from each other to fulfill our own goals and dreams. As we take each step towards our future, we are actually taking a step further and further away from each other.

It's sad don't you think?

To meet up now...it's like an impossible task. There were 10 of us then...how many of us are there now?

Some might disagree and feel that we are still keeping in touch. Yes we are...with a close few who made the effort. We go through life and meet new people. We have new friends... we find new hobbies. Our childhood dreams and friends takes a back seat... they are no longer our "world".

We arrange to meet up... we have to check with our schedule. We have to "book" each other weeks before. And even then, we will sometimes cancel when the day gets nearer due to some things that cropped up at the last minute. I understand that. I was guilty of that too.

I'm not pointing fingers or blaming anybody. This is just a reflection. A reflection that is filled with abit of sadness.

Now that I have moved so far away. There are some regrets which I know I will just have to accept. I will never get to share the joy of seeing my dear friends' newborn babies. To be there the day after they have given birth to visit them at the hospital and share their happiness. Picking up the phone and asking my girlfriends out for coffee when I feel like will be just a memory. Everyone is so far away...

Thus I write this as a reminder to all... never take the time you have together for granted. Stay in touch and make the effort. We will never get to rewind the time. We might never find another friend that have ever seen us at our worse, accept us as we are 'cause we have grown up together.


Blogger sschan said...

aiyoo.. don't say until like that... Things change, everyone is adapting with changes... with every lost, there's a gain. Always look at the half filled glass. :)

1:50 AM  

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