Sunday, August 27, 2006

Shit Happens

Question: "What's worse than a bad haircut?"

Answer: "A bad cut that was so bloody short, even the best stylist in the world could not salvage it!"

Yes, I went for a haircut last Friday. Wanted to have a trim and just keep it short and easy to maintain. Ended up with a coocoo hairstyle that ruined my entire weekend. Now I am so freaking depress to even look at myself in the mirror.

It couldn't be so bad right? Maybe I'm just over reacting right? Well... I'M NOT!

I don't even want to go into the details of how that stylist cut my hair... I'm still traumatized by the memory!!! To summarize, she did not use a scissors throughout...she used razors!!!

To give a brief description of how I look now: My hair is so short now...the fringe is not touching my eyebrow. The top corner where the hair parting starts, I have a whole bunch of hair standing up 90 degrees. The overall look is like I am wearing a helmet with feathers sticking out on the top. I look like a retarded moron. Get the picture?

This would have been funny if it didn't happened to me. Probably in the future when I look back I will laugh my head off. But for now, I have to live with this till all my hair grows back...which from the looks of it, could take me months! How am I going to face the world?!!

Guess I just have to wear my beanies throughout... lucky this is Australia and it's still winter. Imagine if I'm in Singapore, what can I do to cover it up? Wear a helmet? Oh wait, no need, already look like I'm wearing one...


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