Monday, July 31, 2006


Since I don't get to vote for the elections, I want to exercise my rights before it gets rusty. I suggest we change the design of this blog. Can?

I officially vote to change it. Hahaha...

Change lah... polka dots are just not right you know... it's sooo.... 80s. We are in the new millennium... we must advance... and nobody should know that we are from Cre***nt!

I have no authority to edit the site so it's all up to our Monkey Chairman to do something about it. I pay you with peanuts can? :p


Blogger sschan said...

1stly it is not a choice to administer this. 2ndly its not a design to have poker dots but rather the default convenience. Thirdly it is hardly used so it'll probably just die off without trace...

7:22 PM  

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