Thursday, April 05, 2007

Home Sweet Home

G was brought home on the 4th day. It also happened to be a Saturday. I had to deploy my cousins to help carry some stuff. My mother-in-law's friend had visited us everyday with big bouquet of flowers. I guess Singaporeans are generally more pragmatic, flowers don't quit fall into the "useful" range.

Luckily my aunt came as well. She had helped to carry G all the way home.

Things got chaotic on Saturday. Everyone has their own agenda too. My aunt was busy collecting numbers to buy 4D. My mom was busy with cooking, packing and nagging. I was extremely tired.

G has a very strange schedule. She simply lives in US time. She sleeps alot in the day, and wakes up every hour or so at night. My new "customer" is really hard to please at times. On the 1st night, both Lo Sheng and myself were completely at wits! Her behaviour was completely unmanageable.

Well things are getting better now. Or more like, we adults have adapted to her schedule.

Little G has a little jaundice. When she was still in the hospital, she was reduced to only pampers and eye shades, under the UV light. Oh.. what a sight. Thank goodness she was on the borderline case, otherwise she may need to be hospitalised much longer.

We were lucky to have a really nice pediatrician. He had given very good advise, plus also has a calming effect. We'd returned on Wednesday to check on the jaundice level. Unfortunately G still has relatively high level. Will continue to monitor.

G on the other hand is attracting lots of presents and visitors! At such a little age, the attention is way off it's size! :D

Monday, April 02, 2007

1st Week with G

The 1st day came and went.

On the 2nd day, I almost lost my patience waiting for the doctor to come; waiting for his instructions to remove all the drips, and get off the bed! The nurses came in before dawn to clean me up. The feeling was really unnatural (and painful still), but well, thanks to the experience nurses in MAH, they had made the experience alot more bearable.

The doctor finally came! Not only had he ok-ed the removal, he had also instructed for soft food! Yipppe!! I was feeling extremely hungry by then!

The rest of the day was spent on feeding, eating (hungry all the time), and counting down to the next feed. As little G has had some jittery problem (according to the paediatrician, a little lack of calcium), he had ordered a formula milk top up after each feed (or lack of milk). Was beginning to wonder if I'd ever produce enough food for her! Another advise: don't listen too much to those mother's tales, it'll make you really nervous.

Btw, I hadn't select the paediatrician (left it to my gynae to recommend). But before I went, my boss highly recommended his primary school friend, who is also a key paediatrician in MAH -- Dr. Terence Tan. Coincidentally, my gynae had also appointed him! He is really good, giving very wise advise to us. (We are worried for G if she has also got the Thalassemia)

No visitors came on day 2, which is a blessing! I was still fainting in and out of drowsiness!

Visitors started to stream in from day 3 onwards. Almost the entire papa's department came! I don't even have a place to sit! haha...

On day 3, milk started to build up, causing extreme engorgement pain -- Another mother nature's flaw in the design. There's no way of "getting rid" of the pain except to wait for the next few days for it to go away.... shootz.... :(

On day 4, I'd woke up extremely early to bathe and wash the hair (before dawn). When we were all ready to go, G somehow knew that, and refused to end the last feed in the hospital. I had fed for 1.5 hours until I was forced by the nurse to unlatch her. Part of the checkout process needed the mom to ensure it is the correct baby you're bringing home -- especially the sex of the baby. Its so weird, the nurse will ask you "do you have a boy or girl?". And she'll then reveal her pampers to make sure it is so... strange... :)

To Be Continued.....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

1st Day with G

Lo G was born on 28 Mar 2007. Being a 1st time parent, it did take awhile to adapt to the changes of the additional headcount.

Suddenly I'd found myself been surrounded by lots of friends! Friends that you see very often, friends that you don't see very often. Everyone appeared in your life once again! It is an extremely pleasant feeling, knowing that these friends of yours whom at some point in life, had shared funfilled moments with, sent their well wishes from all over the world (thanks to the creation of Internet).

To those whom I hadn't response in time, thank you!

I had G through the general anaesthetic operation. I wonder why would anyone chose GA? (But I'm sure for those who went through natural delivery, some part of them will be asking the vice versa). The recovery was painnnnful. I can hardly hold G until the 3rd day! I'm sure for all new mothers, holding your little one after 9 months of anticipatioin is the 1st ever thing you'll want to do! Well, for GA patients, you'll have to wait the additional 3 days!

Waiting nervously in the hospital on the D-1 day. Did all the additional needles, checks and last minute preparation. I must say the MAH is really quite a pleasant hospital. I'm not sure if the govenment structured hospital will make the expectant mother more nervous!

Woke up early at 5am on D day. The anticipation was killing. Did the "last bath" for the month (or so I thought). Put on the blue operating gown, waited patiently for the nurses to enter.

Was pushed into the operating theatre at 7.30am. And so it all began. 2 hours later, I was wheeled back to the room, and laid there for another 24 long hours. The drips and needles, all needless to say, became part of the 24 long hours experience.

Meanwhile, G's 1st time father had already had lots of fun in the nursery, measuring her size, weight and head circumference... something again a GA mother can't experience.... :(

All these serves as no deterent to the 1st time mother. The little one came in for its 1st "empty" feed. Though there were no food for her, the little one diligently acted her natural feeding instinct (the act of mother nature to bring subsequent food!).

The rest of the day came and go under the drug's influence.
