Sunday, July 23, 2006

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Yesterday the weather was very cold. And we got hail! Yes my very first sighting of hail. Apparently it's quite a common occurrence here during winter but for a Singapore girl like me it was a fascinating experience.

I remember a few years back the weather in Singapore got to a point when it was pretty cold (for Singapore's standards la). At one point a chunk of ice fell from the sky and landed on some Bishan coffeeshop roof. It was such a phenomenon then and caused quite a commotion. Of cause by the time someone reported it to the TV station and the reporters arrived, the chunk had already melted down to just a dot. Everyone was talking about it, the TV stations reported it, Chinese newspaper splash it across their front page and the coffeeshop had very good business for the next few weeks.

But there I was, standing inside a laundrette and watching tiny 5mm bits of icicles falling from the sky. I remember I was drying my laundry when it started to rain...and it got louder and louder. The pelting of the raindrop became almost like tiny marbles dropping and I looked out and saw tiny chips of ice bouncing off the pavements. It did not occur to me it was hail then... My first thought was: "Who is tossing all these white stuffs around?" Heheehehe... idiot

Then my dear Chris enlightened me that it's hail. I was so excited... very suagu right. I even wanted to go outside and collect a handful... Luckily Chris stopped me and made me realise how stupid that idea was. Anyway, it lasted for about half an hour and by the time it stoppped, the streets were slippery from all the melted frost. What an experience!

24/07/06 (Monday)
Winter - Rainy and Cloudy


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