Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Window, The Window, The 7th Storey Window

Wanted to write about my first major incident in this role. But since I'd promised about the window, and also Shuet still doesn't know what I do, I guess I'll stick to the window.

The window.

Does it remind you of the song we used to sing? :) ................ *drifted*

Well back to reality. Firstly, if you're considering buying a property from F**E*** (whom one of our dear friend has been slogging there for more than a DECADE), well, DON'T!!!

I was considered lucky not to have major crack across the center of the living room, or water tank bust and that sort of luck. 5 years (alright, I've pushed my luck for 5 yrs now), and one fine day.... well actually not that fine.. it was a rainy day.. a heavy rainy day.... in fact it rained heavily for days!!... while I was home alone, lying next to the window enjoying the moody-grey weather, I found a big stain on the window sill on the floor! The stain looked so old that it has been there forever!

I've traced the window sills round and couldn't find any leaks. Amazing. I contacted the management committee. Just like visiting public hospitals, I've took a queue number and waited for 21 days. They are really kind to advise me to place a piece of cloth there on rainy day. I'm so glad! :)

Finally, the ah-nei (will be called AN from here) came with the supervisor. I left them pretty much alone, sneakily monitoring them from far. If you remember, my windows have 2 sections. There's a big middle slab at the waist level that seperates the top window piece with the bottom glass piece (cannot open). The stain btw is on the bottom piece. I saw the AN patching up the top window... hmm.....................................

Well, I was told to monitor on the next rainy day. So I waited... and waited... Finally after 2 months similar rain came again, blowing the same direction of course only by 0.5 degrees! And ta-da!!! I have another pool on the sills! :)

This time round 2 ANs came with another supervisor. The supervisor climbed out of the window (yeeks) alone checking everywhere. Then comes the real patching part. One AN climbs out, with a rope on his waist, tying to the other AN. ** picture it **

So what happens? -- monitor for the next rain of course... duh...............


Blogger Cockroach said...

haha...rope tied around waist??? so scary...

6:49 PM  

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