Tuesday, July 18, 2006

TV vs Dvd Player

We bought a new dvd player! Finally can catch all the movies that I have been dying to rent. Right?


Yes, another one of my many new discoveries in life here.... some televisions were manufactured before dvds were ever invented. ARRRGGGG!!!

When we were shopping for a television a couple of weeks back, Chris' boss(very nice man) was kind enough to offer us his old television. It was a Sony...enough said. We were ecstatic...no need to buy a tv...can save money...somemore the tv was a big one with remote control still working. After lugging the bloody heavy, big thing back, we couldn't wait to sit in front of our fire place and watch tv programmes.

However, as Murphy(Murphy's Law) will say...all thing that can go wrong, will go wrong.

The house have NO...I repeat...NO TV OUTLETS!!! What kind of people use to stay here?! Anyway, no worries...we bought a portable satellite dish... so at least we can see something despite it being blurry. On good days we can even pick up channels from Fiji!

Then the remote control for no apparent reason...ceased to work.... ok.... nevermind, can still use manual tuning. Next, the television started to give us funny colours... ok... at least still got visual. We were determined to make this work.

Finally we bought a dvd yesterday. There was a big electrical goods sale and we got our dvd for only $49! After happily unpacking the dvd player and reading the instruction manual carefully...we were all ready to plug it in and play. And we found out that our big wonderful Sony has no AV input outlet... (damn you Murphy!). It dawned upon us slowly that this freaking television was manufactured more than 20 years ago.... before technology jumps on the super highway and give us dvds and vcds...whatever.

So we are back to blurry channels and faulty remote control. Hmm...might have to buy a tv afterall...


Blogger sschan said...

Its a simple way to teach us not to take things for granted. Satellite TVs are pretty common outside of SG. As to no AV outlet, heheh can't comment. But I remembered once my friend went to UK to study + work. Her landlord was so kind as to loan her a TV --- Black and White. Mine u this is mid 1990s ok.....

Never assume, better to be safe than sorry...

anyway when I first moved in, Anthony (remember him?) was so kind as to loan me his old TV... try tuning up to max volume and all u hear is fffmmMmff fFFmmMfFFff. And all of a sudden the sound came back frightening all living things within range...

That's life huh? :)

1:56 AM  

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