Sunday, August 27, 2006

Shit Happens

Question: "What's worse than a bad haircut?"

Answer: "A bad cut that was so bloody short, even the best stylist in the world could not salvage it!"

Yes, I went for a haircut last Friday. Wanted to have a trim and just keep it short and easy to maintain. Ended up with a coocoo hairstyle that ruined my entire weekend. Now I am so freaking depress to even look at myself in the mirror.

It couldn't be so bad right? Maybe I'm just over reacting right? Well... I'M NOT!

I don't even want to go into the details of how that stylist cut my hair... I'm still traumatized by the memory!!! To summarize, she did not use a scissors throughout...she used razors!!!

To give a brief description of how I look now: My hair is so short now...the fringe is not touching my eyebrow. The top corner where the hair parting starts, I have a whole bunch of hair standing up 90 degrees. The overall look is like I am wearing a helmet with feathers sticking out on the top. I look like a retarded moron. Get the picture?

This would have been funny if it didn't happened to me. Probably in the future when I look back I will laugh my head off. But for now, I have to live with this till all my hair grows back...which from the looks of it, could take me months! How am I going to face the world?!!

Guess I just have to wear my beanies throughout... lucky this is Australia and it's still winter. Imagine if I'm in Singapore, what can I do to cover it up? Wear a helmet? Oh wait, no need, already look like I'm wearing one...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

33's toilet bowl - again

So I've been living with 1 working toilet bowl. And the other still doesn't work. It's a pain deciding to get another repair man or change the whole toilet bowl altogether. Knowing too little is frustrating!

What makes a good toilet bowl? Why does some flush stronger than others? I think toilet bowls salemen need to be taught at least these 2 questions before putting them on the stage!! They know SHIT! Literally.

All salemen says the same thing, HDB limits to X-litre tanks so you can't get very powerful ones.


My cousin's HDB's STANDARD toilet bowl flushes better than my leaky toilet bowl (even before it was leaking!)

What about the pipes? The way it turns? Oh doesn't matter... ReallY??!!!

Anyway in the toilet bowls there are 2 parts. I have replaced 1 part and its still leaky. So I have a choice to replace the other part, or change the whole bowl.

Luck wasn't too bad on me. My distant uncle turns out to be a retired plumber, and willing to help look at the problem (THANK YOU!!!)

The part that was replaced, was FAULTY! It has a bubble at the bottom which seals the water, hence causing the leak!!!

Don't Trust PLUMBERS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Policy

In the beginning was the Plan,

and then came the assumptions,

and the assumptions were without form,

and the plan was completely without substance;

and the darkness was upon the face of the employees, and they spoke amongst themselves, saying: "It is a crock of shit and it stinks!"

and the employees went unto their supervisors, saying, "It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odor thereof."

and the supervisors went unto their managers, saying, "It is a container of excrement and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it."

and the manager's went unto their division managers, saying, "It is a vassal of fertilizer and none may abide it's strength."

and the division manager's went unto their region managers, saying,

"It contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."

and the region managers went unto the general manager, saying,

"It promotes growth and it is very powerful."

and the general manager went unto the board, saying, "This plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of this organization!"

and the board looked upon the plan and thought it was good, and the plan became POLICY!

where upon, this is how shit happens.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
