Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Noreen's Rainy Day

Dear Diary,

Last night the gas heater broke down. The rain was pounding outside and it was freezing cold. We have no heat but plenty of gas. So it was between a choice of breathing in gas and die or opening the windows and freezing to death. Not much of a choice huh...

The "wardrobe" advertise in the paper for our place turn out to be just two cupboard. One with door that cannot be closed. Everytime we want to close it, we have to open the drawers below to "pin" the door close.

The kitchen sink clogged up again. It's only 1 feet by 0.8 feet...not a very big sink. I have do my dishes in batches...wash the utensils first, the plates later and the pots last. The pots are the most challenging cos it cannot fit into the small sink...so I have actually develope some good maneuvering skills...might help in my driving.

Speaking of driving...I have to find another driving instructor now that I have moved to another suburb. Apparently driving instructors are pretty much tagged to their neighbourhood. They don't like to travel far...ironic isn't it since they are the ones who teach driving.

The stove is burning well. The oven is not though. i suspect the gas outlet is clogged but I'm not keen to find out. Last thing we need is more gas in the house. So no roast meat or baking cookies on our menus for now.

We bought our new microwave! The kitchen table top could not hold its weight though. When we placed it on the table... the middle sunk down. So the door of the microwaved could not be open fully due to the uneven surface. We cut out styrofoams for the base to prop it up...aren't we innovative...

The toilet tap has developed the habit of spitting out oil blobs when we keep it running for too long. Must be some plumbing lubricant that got trapped in the pipe when the landlord was fixing it. It's not huge blobs...just tiny speckles that is barely noticeable unless u decided to gurgle ur mouth with the water. I found out about it when I did just that...gurgle and taste oil....yuck! I think I swallowed some too. Guess it's good way of building up my immune system. Might keep me warm too if I stand near a flame...with all the oil in my stomach. Or it probably can help in my bowel system with all the lubricant in my systems...hahaha (sick joke)

Chris manage to fixed up our washing machine in the toilet...that's my man! But our first attempt at washing turn out to be a disaster cos the water pipe was not screwed on tight enough. Imagine being assaulted by high powered jets of cold water. Took me an hour to get the toilet back in order...by then I decided to wash the toilet anyway...make full use of the water.

We took our laundry to the laundrette to have it spin dry. It was rainny and we could not hang it out to dry. (Note: Never let a man in charge of laundry) Chris selected high heat spinning inorder to speed up the process. We have alot of mini sweaters and long johns now...can probably passed it to Sheryl and Glenn when they visit.

Well, life's great so far....not a dull moment. I remember when I first came people told me I'll be so bored with nothing to do here...who are they kidding? I wonder what's in store for me next.

9:55am17/07/06 (Monday)Winter - Rainny and Cloudy


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